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Palladium Compounds
   Palladium(II) acetate
   Palladium(II) chloride
Palladium(II) acetate C4H6O4Pd
Palladium acetate is a catalyst for many organic reactions by combining with many common classes of organic compounds such as alkenes, dienes, and alkyl, aryl, and vinyl halides to form reactive adducts.
Palladium(II) chloride PdCl2
Palladium(II) chloride is a common starting point in the synthesis of other palladium compounds.
Even when dry, palladium(II) chloride is able to rapidly stain stainless steel. Thus, palladium(II) chloride solutions are sometimes used to test for the corrosion-resistance of stainless steel. Palladium(II) chloride is sometimes used in carbon monoxide detectors.